About Us

My first experience making clothing with a sewing machine was in 1999, for the Prison Industry Authority (PIA), and now my small business sews for YOU manifesting my dreams and having you looking slicker n’ snot!
As stated, I wasn’t always the teddy bear you see today. Being subject to extremely abusive and criminal surroundings at such an early age set the tone for eventual incarceration, and subsequently gang activity within the CDC system.
As soon as I quit using drugs in 2000 my life changed. Having survived years of addiction, being shot point blank with a shotgun, serving 9 years straight in the penitentiary and a lifetime of broken relationships I switched it up! That’s correct, change is possible!
Paroling at the age of 33, with no employable skills I did the only thing proven to work, HARD WORK! I entered the food industry and applied myself for the first time ever; only to find out that I’m capable of success. With no education I rose up the ranks and carved out a career as a Food Safety Expert (PCQI Preventive Controls Qualified Individual, SQF Safe Quality Foods certified, HACCP trained) specializing in Sanitation Principles.
The entire time working my tail off and raising a couple of amazing kids I’ve created art!!!
Having formed an LLC in 2021, Poppa JoNo Creations is now full time!
Nothing in life brings me more joy than to take your wacky ideas and turn it into something to wear and pass down to the next generation.